Thursday, April 16, 2009

It's Not a Lie, It's a Gift for Fiction

Credit David Mamet for helping me to set the record straight. After all, lying is wrong. (Ditto for stealing. The title of this article is a line from Mamet's "State and Main.")

Much of what shows up here will likely come straight from the annals of mother-daughter exchanges, because truth is so much funnier than fiction.

Take my kid, for example.

When Lauren was in her early teens, she and I began affectionately trading insults and name-calling, each trying to outdo the other. After I told her the hospital staff had made me take her home, because she was scaring the other babies, she laughed and said, "Good one, Mom."

She delivered the come-uppance a few days later, in response to the lie, "By the way, you're adopted." Without missing a beat: "Yesssss!"

I dedicate whatever follows to my redheaded, quick-witted muse. No longer a teen, she is one of "The Few, the Proud," and a living example of one willing to follow her dreams. I love you, Poots!

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